Sales Property Internship
PT Banten West Java
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
Industri :
Posisi yang dibuka: 5
Total seluruh posisi: 5
Posted : 05 February 2025 17:00 WIB17 hari
Kategori Posisi : Properti
3 Pelamar

Tanjung Lesung lies approximately 170 kilometers southwest of Jakarta in the province of Banten and covers 1,500 hectares of untouched peninsula facing the Indian Ocean. It is accessible by toll road from Jakarta in approximately 3.5 hours.

Tanjung Lesung is envisioned to be first-class international resort that combines Bali with Venice. Waterways and canals link hotels, condominiums and apartments, with white-sand beaches, sailing, diving & beach clubs, as well as the Venice-style city centre. Further developments shall include 1,000+ water-front residences and a championship golf course surrounded by golf view townhouses.

A major improvement in accessibility is expected from a new airport located 20km from Tanjung Lesung and a new toll way will improve connectivity with Jakarta. There will be an airstrip in the development that will accommodate chartered flights from Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport which is a short flight of 40 minutes away.

Development of Tanjung Lesung already started and currently 2 resorts and hotels offer a combined 150 bungalows with 300 rooms and meeting facilities. A sailing and beach club are already operational and offer an array of water sports (snorkeling, diving, jet-skiing, etc). Golfers can make use of the ocean view driving range.

Nearby major tourist attractions include Anak Krakatau (child of the Krakatoa volcano, which recorded the loudest sound ever heard in modern history in its 1883 eruption), Ujung Kulon National Park (the last refuge of the critically endangered one-horned Javanese Rhinoceros), and a unique Badui indigenous cultural site.


INTERNSHIP Opportunities

  • Lulusan jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Pemasaran
  • Berpenampilan menarik dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  • Memiliki kemampuan event organizer, Digital media, Negotiation & Persuasif, Public Relation & Public Speaking
  • Mempunyai pengalaman di bagian property lebih disukai
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik (Mandarin is a plus) 
  • Penempatan di Tanjung Lesung, Pandeglang Banten
Jenjang : Sarjana/S1
Prodi : Semua Prodi

  • Lulusan jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Pemasaran,
  • Berpenampilan menarik dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
  • Memiliki kemampuan event organizer, Digital media, Negotiation & Persuasif, Public Relation & Public Speaking
  • Mempunyai pengalaman di bagian property lebih disukai
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik (Mandarin is a plus) 
  • Penempatan di Tanjung Lesung, Pandeglang Banten

Level Masuk : Entry Level
Jumlah : 1 orang
Penempatan : Batavia, Jakarta Pusat
Tipe Kerja : Magang / Internship
Job deskipsi :

  • Mencari database baru untuk jualan wisata/property (melalui sosmed/whatsapp/tamu hotel)
  • Merancang dan menerapkan strategi penjualan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan property
  • Site tour kawasan Tanjung Lesung
  • Memfollow up prospek B2C (database lama)
  • Membuat laporan prospek
  • Closing property B2C

Ditulis Oleh Fikram Maulana Aziz Dilihat 133 kali